Coffee First

A refreshing identity for a kiosk cafe of coffee brewers in Bengaluru

  • Brand Identity

In a market of cafés, coffee stalls and home deliveries, how could we help Coffee First stand apart? Our task was to create and establish a unique visual and brand identity for an on-the-go kiosk café.

Our Approach

But first, coffee

A unique visual identity to cut through the clutter and always put coffee on top.

And then the condiments

Extend the brand language across multiple assets required for the brand’s internal and customer facing communication.


Bold, young and fresh branding: Two-colour approach for the brand design, with colours that work in perfect harmony

A series of hero cups, sure to make a statement in the hands of coffee connoisseurs

Brand language extendable enough touchpoints. A singular representation for maximum recall.

Coffee First

A unique approach to put coffee on top

Coffee First
Coffee First
Coffee First

A series of hero cups, sure to make a statement in the hands of coffee connoisseurs

Coffee First

Brand language extended across touchpoints. A singular representation for maximum recall.

Coffee First
Coffee First
Coffee First
Coffee First
Coffee First